Thursday, January 28, 2010

Politics and Economics of having a stillbirth

Today was a helluva day for a number of reasons. There were approximately 4500 reasons in particular that it was a helluva day. Impressively, that wasn't even the grand total of reasons!

Now despite what my voting record may suggest, I am not a full-fledged liberal; I'm certainly no right-winger; perhaps I'm supposed to call myself a libertarian, but I don't organize books (get it? haha?) No, I'm pretty well in the middle, which sadly translates into me "not really having a position".

Forgive me if my life experience suggests that there is rarely such thing as "black and white". I know there is a flip-side to every hard-nosed position, and exceptions to every rule (I spent 5 years studying literature and the English language : nothing but flip-sides and exceptions). That being said, I want to share something I posted on Facebook.

It addresses the shittiness of blindly taking a hard stance on an issue, while admittedly taking a one-dimensional view of the situation. That makes it either the most brilliant or most asinine thing I've ever said (remember, 5 years of english/lit)

A C Dear Conservatives, my son was too "old" to be aborted because he was "a life, a baby", but the insurance companies whose profits you protect say he wasn't real because he died in the womb. So, if you vote Pro-Life, send me $50 to help pay these medical bills you confused mother fuckers.

11 minutes ago · ·
Adam Culver
...and if you didn't realize that the Pro-Life Republican candidate you voted for is also anti-health care reform, you need to add 10 bucks as a stupid tax.
7 minutes ago ·
Adam Culver
...if you are anti- health care reform BECAUSE you are pro-life, then you should pay double because voting against health care reforms is voting against the 'dead baby' community, which is like a double-negative and translates into you being in favor of babies dying because it saves insurance companies money. yup, you're a prick.
a few seconds ago ·
Adam Culver
cash or paypal, please.

Yes, that is a Conan O'Brien icon...something I DO take a hard stance on.

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