Monday, February 15, 2010

snowy thoughts

Sitting at work (lunch time - my time - union says you can't fuss at me! ha!), watching the snow fall in 5 different directions, sipping the gas station cappuencino..cappaccc..capikachu...toffee-coffee for which I braved the insane snow for, I wonder to myself, "WHY HAVEN'T THEY SENT THESE CHILDREN HOME YET??"     I'll keep my fingers crossed.

On the upside, the longer I'm here, the more kids get to marvel at my 80s outfit: cuffed, faded jeans, tucked-in Iron Maiden t-shirt, rat-tail (thank you, wife).       Most kids saw me this morning, flippedo out, laughed.  One bright young lad looked at me, smiled, and said, "this does not surprise me."  Yes, Mr. Culver is the funny one....or at least the weird one.

But you guys already knew that. 

DB blog coming up shortly :  some heads-advice when it comes to religion and the dead baby experience.  Its as much for "comforters" as it is for the DB parents, so feel free to pass it along to all your friends and neighbors!

time to fluff the rat-tail; students are on their way.

...wait, that sounds dirty... ick.

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